
Sunday, September 23, 2012

SDAIE strategy

A successful SDAIE strategy that I saw a teacher use was think-pair-share. In this activity the students would read a paragraph about a topic they were learning in class. Each student would read the paragraph silently. The students were to underline words that they did not know. After they finished the paragraph, students would work with a partner and share their words. If they knew the words of their partner, they would define it for them. Then, the class would come together and the teacher would have students raise their hands and highlight the words they did not know. She would define those words and as a whole class, they re-read the paragraph will all of the words being defined, which would allow students to develop a better understanding of the content.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Reading Survey

Reading survey Please fill out each question and bring back to class on Thursday 9/5/12. 1. How many times per week do you read outside of class time? 2. Do you prefer to read non-fiction, fiction, books, novels, short stories, comic books, newspapers, etc.? Explain why you enjoy reading them. 3. Are you comfortable reading in front of your peers? Explain why or why not. 4. Do you have any reading strategies that help you read better? Do you highlight words that give you trouble and look them up in a dictionary later? Explain. 5. Do you enjoy reading information about health and fitness? 6. On a scale of 1 – 10, 1 being dislike and 10 being you love to read, describe where you are on this scale. I had the students fill out this survey as a homework assignment. The reason why I had them do this as a homework assignment is because we had fitness testing this week, and I did not want to eliminate any class time for students to get their fitness testing done. This way they can take it home and take their time on it, answering each question with their best effort. I learned that there are some students who enjoy reading a lot, and other students who do not like to read. The female students are into more of the Twilight series and the Hunger Games. The males are more into sports or comics. I actually had a conversation with some of the male students about comic books and they were really into it. Most students answered they will read if it is something they are interested in. I think we all feel the same. A lot of the students answered that they are interested in health and fitness, but do not like to read their health books. Since the students have a class day for P.E. I will not be there because their class day is on Monday. It is going to be more difficult for me to do a lot of reading activities. However, with this information I thought of a way that I can add reading into my weekly lessons. For example, if students are learning about nutrition on Monday, I can select a variety of articles that they can choose from. That way students are reading about health articles that interest them. Rather than making students read assignments in their textbook. I can work with my cooperating teacher and can create questions that will relate to the material and help the students develop a better understanding of the material.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

This is an injustice because there is not enough equipment for all the students. There were more volleyballs and footballs, but these were the only soccer balls I could find in the equipment room. In order for students to learn the skills in Physical Education, students must have plenty of OTR’s (opportunities to respond). If equipment supply is insufficient, students are not going to get those opportunities to practice, which means they will less likely be successful at that particular skill. This injustice could stem from a lack of funding for the Physical Education department or class sizes are becoming too large in Physical Education. Some classes can have as many as 40-70 students. Even having 20 soccer balls would not be enough to allow every student to get an opportunity to practice.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Name

Share a story about your first or last name. My name has given trouble to many of those who are not familiar with it. My last name is Corle. It is pronounced just like "coral", but people struggle with it. Most of all of my teachers from elementary to college have struggled with it. I have heard people pronounce it as "Corely" "Corale" etc. At my middle school awards assembly, my principal pronounced it as "Corely" and everyone who knew me started to laugh. I tend to laugh too because it is usually pronounced incorrectly. When I am at VONS and I use my mom's VONS card, the checker always says thank you and tries to pronounce my last name and they usually mumble it to make it sound like they said it right. Before my high school graduation, I had to go up and tell them how to pronounce it because they looked at my name and had no idea how to pronounce it. The other part of my story is I went through most of my life thinking that my last name came from my father's family. Later in life I found out that my father had a step dad who adopted him and my father took his last name. I found out that my father's real last name was Stevenson. It was quite a shock to me when I found out this information. Our family always wondered where our father's family came from and we could never figure it out with the last name of Corle. So, when we found out it was Stevenson, we were able to get a better understanding of where our father's family came from.